
Louie Maxwell

Sales Consultant
Brisbane West

Louie’s tailored & thoughtful approach when selling his clients properties helps him achieve strong and timely results. Thus, in return allowing his clients to remain confident & reassured throughout the process knowing that their best interests are always the top priority!

Louie’s customer service & loyalty is always of the upmost importance, speaking volumes about the value he places on open communication, strong relationships and hard work. Adamant on complete transparency, Louie always provides the information and insight needed for his clients to make informed decisions.

In an ever changing market, Louie’s ability to keep his finger on the pulse and understand what current buyers are seeking allows him to create unique marketing campaigns that will help attract active buyers to the property.

Prior to 2018, before joining the real estate industry Louie had established a successful career as a teacher with the reputation of always giving 110% effort and pushing each student to achieve their full potential. The only difference now is that he now uses that same drive & effort to achieve great results on behalf of his clients.

Growing up in a country town, Louie has always had a strong connection to his local communities. As a member of The Rotary Club of Paddington, Louie takes great pride in giving back and supporting where possible. With the backing of one the oldest & largest names in Australian Real Estate, Louie and the Raine & Horne team will deliver the best results for your property.

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